Parasite tea is generally grown in the tea gardens are left neglected. Tea parasite grows as a parasite on the tea plant, which are caused bird feces containing parasite seed stuck in a tree. The tea gardens are neglected resulting in high-growth tea plants. The location is usually located in areas of low productivity and is economically not feasible to be maintained, such as the edges or steep land topography.
Tea parasite can not be cultivated because of the difficulty seedlings and usually grows as a parasite on the tea plant. This causes the price of tea parasite becomes expensive. Trouble-making and lack of tea parasite growth, is another factor that makes the high prices.
Tea parasite life as a parasitic plant that is by taking the basic nutrients that are owned by the host (tea plant) which are further processed into food and energy for the necessities of life such parasite growth. The tea plant as a host of the parasite, the most beneficial compounds that are absorbed by the parasite tea.
Efficacy Benalu Tea (Dendrophthoe pentandra)
1. Membantu mengobati berbagai penyakit kanker atau tumor (kanker rahim, kanker payudara, kanker usus, kista)
2. Membantu mengobati penyakit batu ginjal, gondok
3. Membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan gula darah
4. Membantu menurunkan darah tinggi, sakit pinggang, rheumatic, encok
5. Menghaluskan kulit muka dan menjadikan awet muda.
Takaran :
- 3 s/d 5 kali sehari untuk pengobatan
- Benalu Teh, harga Rp 40.000/ 200 gr
How to use :
1. Ambil 1 (satu) genggam benalu teh (+ 40 gram) direbus dengan 2 liter air, tunggu hingga airnya tinggal setengah ( 1 liter).
2. Kemudian saring dan biarkan satu malam (diembunkan) di dalam wadah tertutup di dalam rumah. Paling baik diminum pagi hari sebelum makan.
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